How We Helped GetJenny Increase 30% SQLs with This Lead Generation Campaign

How GetJenny Increased Organic Traffic and Gained Top Keyword Ranking in the Nordic Market with Blog Posts Without Running Ads

The partner

GetJenny is a SaaS startup based in Finland that provides AI chatbots for medium-to-big companies in the Nordic market.GetJenny is the pioneer in providing advanced AI chatbot builders with a custom NLP engine. They build smarter chatbots that improve customer experience and automate menial tasks in customer service, lead generation, HR, and internal communications. GetJenny’s customers include the leading brands in Nordics including HOAS, Turva, Caruna, Mehiläinen, and more.

Kasvuly Services

SEO on-page

Content Marketing

A quick look


Increase in organic traffic

Top 4

Ranking of primary keywords
Top pages converting traffic to sales leads
"An awesome content team for SaaS”
They helped our in-house marketing team to produce huge content pieces from pillar pages to industry report white papers, which were crucial role when scaling our content marketing and paid lead generation.

Mikko RindellMarketing Director, GetJenny

The challenge

GetJenny faced challenges growing its organic traffic channel. They wanted to gain more high-quality leads for their website and build brand authority in the highly competitive chatbot industry.

The company wanted to establish itself as a leading force in chatbot technology and gain top organic search engine rankings for its category keywords, so we were tasked with helping the team with content strategy and creation.

The Solution

Our team provided a content planner and strategic content pieces for GetJenny. Our content strategy combines the cluster strategy and pain-point SEO strategy. The combination was intended to help them boost their keyword rankings, gain organic traffic in both TOFU and BOFU, attract traffic with buying intent, and convert them with content.

Regarding the strategic content pieces, we created several long-form pillar pages and satellite articles to link to help improve the ranking of their category keywords, such as "chatbot," “chatbot use cases,” “chatbot services,” “chatbot builder,” and "AI chatbot" in the Nordic markets. We also created blog posts that targeted the audience in the middle and bottom of the funnel to convert them to MQLs and SQLs faster. We applied the pain-point SEO approach for these types of content.

What we did

1. Identify ICP and Run Strategic Keyword Research

We built the ICP (ideal customer profile) for GetJenny using data from their sales team, the founders, etc. The ICP stage helped the whole team (the client and our team) understand who we are writing for and the buying committee behind the decision process. We aim to establish GetJenny as an expert in building chatbots for complex structures and big corporate teams.

We also extensively researched the chatbot industry to identify GetJenny's competitors, and the target analyzed their content. We ran keyword research and keyword gap analysis to get a list of potential keywords. 

To create content that spoke directly to GetJenny’s ICP, we analyzed data on types of businesses that could benefit from AI Chatbots and the search terms that each persona of the buying committee uses to find similar products. 

2. Build 

With this, we created topic clusters and articles focused on specific themes related to AI chatbots. We researched the topic, came up with a unique angle for the personas of the buying committee, and created outlines for each article to ensure they covered all relevant information. We worked extensively with the client team to understand the advanced, technical part of building the AI chatbot for massive databases. 

We ensured the content was fully optimized for search engines, including the correct use of keywords, meta descriptions, and header tags. This meticulous optimization helped search engines understand the articles' content and rank them higher in search results.

Write Content that Converts

Also, we focused on creating 'pain point SEO content ', which means we identified the problems or challenges faced by the GetJenny target audience and created articles that provided solutions to those problems. This approach not only attracted high-quality traffic to Getjenny's website but also ensured that the traffic was likely to convert into leads and sales. 

By doing this, we attracted high-quality traffic to Getjenny's website, which was sure to convert into leads and sales.

3. Test and Optimize to Drive Conversion

We optimized the content for search engines (copywriting, on-page SEO elements, and creatives). This optimization helped search engines understand the articles' content and rank them higher in search results.

We also optimized the content to improve conversions, from the tone of voice and terminologies to the relevant content pieces to be included (reports, case studies, whitepaper, etc.) Like we understood that our target audiences were C-suite people in Nordic markets, we wrote to ensure our writing style was suitable for this target audience (culture-wise and industry-wise): neutral, not too sales-y, and arming claims with facts and research-based reasons.

Content is a crucial channel for GetJenny, and we focused on testing:

Content: we tested different content types to see which were most effective in converting traffic to booking a demo (leads). 

Messaging: We also tested several specific messages, copy, and CTAs based on the ICP segment’s intent.

4. Track and Repeat 

We worked closely with the client’s team to ensure we tracked data on Google Analytics and Hubspot CRM correctly and accurately. We were strategic and laser-focused on the analytics setup and observation, collecting quantitative data from analytics tools and qualitative data from the sales team calls. This comprehensive data analysis helped the client team identify the content to be improved, scale, and so on, and pick which content pieces to run ads and turn into lead magnets.  

By understanding the challenges and priorities of these target businesses, we created content that resonated with them and positioned the AI chatbot solution as a valuable tool for their operations. This approach helped attract and convert high-quality leads, ultimately driving sales and business growth.

The results

The blog posts created by our team helped GetJenny improve its brand authority as a leading force in chatbot technology.

After four months of implementing our content marketing strategy, the company saw a 40% increase in organic traffic, and we helped them gain top 1 and 2 rankings for keywords, chatbot services, chatbot use cases, and chatbot for customer service in the Nordic market.

Furthermore, the traffic generated from our articles or content was converted into SQLs and sales, as the Sales Manager shared. 

By focusing on organic content marketing strategies, GetJenny established itself as a leading player in the chatbot space, increased its brand awareness, and drove high-quality traffic to its website without relying on paid advertising.

After the success of our content marketing and lead generation campaign for GetJenny, we continued to work with them. We continued creating content and lead generation campaigns for GetJenny because they were happy with the results.


Key Takeaways

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Key takeaways

Build reporting methods that keep you pivoting proactively: If you’re reporting on ABM campaigns on a weekly basis, you’re setting yourself up to be reactive. You’ll always be one step behind. By automating reporting (in our case, building out a Zap that posts a Slack message when a lead comes through), marketing can stay in lock step with each other to make optimizations based on lead quality faster.

Build reporting methods that keep you pivoting proactively: If you’re reporting on ABM campaigns on a weekly basis, you’re setting yourself up to be reactive. You’ll always be one step behind. By automating reporting (in our case, building out a Zap that posts a Slack message when a lead comes through), marketing can stay in lock step with each other to make optimizations based on lead quality faster.

Build reporting methods that keep you pivoting proactively: If you’re reporting on ABM campaigns on a weekly basis, you’re setting yourself up to be reactive. You’ll always be one step behind. By automating reporting (in our case, building out a Zap that posts a Slack message when a lead comes through), marketing can stay in lock step with each other to make optimizations based on lead quality faster.


Key Takeaways

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